
this is where i'll stash a bunch of my ocs (original characters). more will be added in the time coming, these take time! :3
also i wanted to add that if you have any voiceclaims or fanart or music that fit these characters you can contact me at marlee.goat.epic@gmail.com and ill add it here !!
oh also, i don't know every single piece of fanart ever of my characters, lmao. once it gets to a certain point i'll probably just make a seperate page. for now, seperate fanarts that AREN'T from art fight and stuff like that are linked under the character's bio. :3

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quick-jump list alex

alexander scott conway III

15, nonbinary, lesbian, calico cat, birthday 2/18

personality-wise? they are definitely chaotic neutral. they like to show off a lot and be cocky but they are sort of a wimp sometimes!
if they find someone generally pretty cool they'll hang around them a bunch or just act a lot kinder towards them. cat stuff y'know.
they're a big goober and like to fight with people a bit. most of the time, it's just playful punches or banter but if they do wish to actually fight somebody then they'll usually be down.
they're a really big fan of mechanics and technology and things. they're close friends with Dell and often have to fix them up after the shenanigans they get into...
they also really like sharp things. like knives. they have many. and often spend time either throwing them at the tree out back, or sharpening them for when someone eventually breaks into the house. they know it'll happen one of these days...

related things: music playlist fanart by Abbledacker :) fanart by _Miao_ on Toyhouse :)

voice claims: Moony (ENA), Annie (Antonblast)
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bettison meatloaf de'mino

18, genderfluid, pansexual, weirdass slime goat, birthday 8/24

he's just sort of out of it. tired but also kinda talkative, but also has really sensitive feelings a lot of the time.. this is betty :3
they's not exactly the type to start the conversation, but he's pretty talkative about his very interesting life of sitting around in a dumpster. she's sort of clingy once she finds somebody she likes, mostly because it doesn't happen very often. they're also very
cautious with how they live and do things because they kind of know how frail they are..
he's also not exactly supposed to exist. they were created in some guy's basement and now he lives in a dumpster by a pizza hut.

related things: music playlist fanart by taterhoots :)

voice claims: Ena (ENA)
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nigel the legend

16, he/they, bisexual, dog, birthday 7/14

uhhmm uhhhhhh lets see. he's a little cuckoo. *licks finger* *flips page* yeah thats all i have written down
he's a Crazy Bastard!! lives in a dinky old brick house on the outskirts of town with his name poorly spraypainted on front. he's a basement dweller. his entire shtick can be boiled down to Soldier Team Fortress 2. That is him. That's who he is. A little crazy! A little kooky if you will!!
he is 100% a crazed individual and does not hesitate to resort to violence if he needs (or wants) to. he will kill.

voice claims: Junkrat (Overwatch), Papyrus (Undertale), Suction Cup Man (from suction cup man), Vargskelethor Joel
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nonbinary, pansexual (feminine leaning), computer fellow

being a computer and all, they are very interested in technology and the internet and stuff. generally they're just a huge nerd and they probably have like 15 hatsune miku figures in their room
they love using emoticons in sentences, and they don't realize that they arent meant to be read out loud. also, theyre a little too courageous at times and they do a little much of that "believing in urself" thing (they have died running minecraft with shaders 4 times)
also uhmmm they like bloodshed tbh. they say it's "pretty!!! X3" but i think they just wanna kill shit. don't give them a chainsaw, for christ's sake. really gay for centree. they're killin it!!

voice claims: Kathy (Mac TTS)
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centree "tuyet" gahn

female, pansexual, robot cat gun turret thing...

RED's engineer decided to make a strangely cat-shaped sentry gun, now she's here. she really likes her job, just being able to shoot people all day. She is not paid.
she likes to guard things, being a sentry gun and all. give her a random (preferably red) object and tell her it's important, and now you've got a funny little bodyguard. just make sure to tell her not to shoot some people. really gay for dell.

voice claims: Femscout (Team Fortress 2)
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22, she/they, asexual, lcd rabbit thing, birthday 4/28

an adventurous young rabbit that loves to sneak around and get into places that she isn't really supposed to. they're a strange anomaly, living in a sort of connected digital world able to traverse and explore all sorts of places- most of these being of video games.
they look up to a lot of the big platformer greats (especially that red plumber guy.) she's very nomadic and often spends time searching for places to sleep for the night wherever she's at.
every so often, there's reports of players seeing her in their games, or even online matches! though, usually she immediately leaves... they don't very much like speaking, and are quite timid in fact!

voice claims: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ none right now
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