
this is where i'll show off and keep a few of my (Many) projects that i've been working on! all of which are not finished.
and im working on all of them at the same time. trying to. when my brain wants me to. Yeah
this is also where i myself will try keeping track of them because i can NOT just keep a notepad file for that. my brain does not ike that.

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quick-jump list dick

alexander scott conway III

15, nonbinary, lesbian, calico cat, birthday 2/18

personality-wise? they are definitely chaotic neutral. they like to show off a lot and be cocky but they are sort of a wimp sometimes!
if they find someone generally pretty cool they'll hang around them a bunch or just act a lot kinder towards them. cat stuff y'know.
they're a big goober and like to fight with people a bit. most of the time, it's just playful punches or banter but if they do wish to actually fight somebody then they'll usually be down.
they're a really big fan of mechanics and technology and things. they're close friends with Dell and often have to fix them up after the shenanigans they get into...
they also really like sharp things. like knives. they have many. and often spend time either throwing them at the tree out back, or sharpening them for when someone eventually breaks into the house. they know it'll happen one of these days...

related things: music playlist fanart by Abbledacker :) fanart by _Miao_ on Toyhouse :)

voice claims: Moony (ENA), Annie (Antonblast)
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